3AAA’s Worcester select Core Tree Apprentice as Ambassador

I have been an apprentice since the beginning of September 2015 and where the time has gone I do not know – but you know what they say, time flies when you’re having fun. Now, I can actually use the word ‘fun’ here as I do really enjoy what I do and I am very proud of how far I have come in such a short period of time. In just a handful of months I feel I have flourished not only at Core Tree, but at 3AAA Academy also.

Unfortunately, there seems to be some kind of stigma attached to the idea of apprenticeships and I myself have been tarred with the same brush as many other apprentices; “You’re a school drop out” or “You’re only doing an apprenticeship because you didn’t get the grades to carry on in Sixth Form” have both been said to me several times – to me it’s like water off a duck’s back. I chose to do an apprenticeship, it was not a last resort or a fallback option for me and so far I feel it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am a hard worker and a perfectionist, but being labelled with this negative stigma has made me work even harder, to prove everyone wrong and guess what, all the hard work has paid off.

I have been excelling in my college work at the 3AAAs – and although to start with, anything IT related was a foreign concept to me – my knowledge has developed and grown through the teaching and nurturing I have been provided with whilst attending there. I have now taken on an extra course to add to my certificate (Web Fundamentals) and will be carrying out a Digital Marketing course too. All my hard work has not gone unnoticed by the staff at 3AAAs, as I have now been offered the role of becoming an ambassador for the college and, rightly so, I jumped at the opportunity.

As an ambassador for the college, my first duty will be attending a number of events taking place during the National Apprenticeship Week (14-18th March) – including visiting a number of schools and colleges to talk about my experiences as an apprentice and the advantages that came with venturing out into the world of work life.

I am planning to make the most of this amazing opportunity and am aiming to represent women in apprenticeships and inspire other young people to take up an apprenticeship.

Look out for updates on my role as ambassador; this could be you or your apprentice next year.